
Biden Missing In Action: Liberty Under Threat, Phantom People Shock White House!

In an awkward and confusing moment, President Joe Biden walked off the stage during a Medal of Honor ceremony for Cpt. Larry Taylor. The camera captured the bewildered looks on people’s faces as they watched the President make his hasty exit. It’s unclear why Biden decided to leave in the middle of the ceremony, as the closing benediction had not even been given yet. Was he confused? Did he think the event was over? These questions lingered in the air as Taylor was left standing there awkwardly.

This incident raises concerns about Biden’s ability to fulfill his presidential duties. It is objectively inappropriate for the President to abruptly leave such an important ceremony, especially one honoring a hero like Cpt. Taylor. This lack of respect reflects poorly on Biden and his administration. It also adds to the growing perception that Biden is out of touch and out of it. It’s time for him to step up and show some leadership.

In another intriguing story, there are speculations about whether America is being controlled by a “shadow president.” Ward Clark suggests that “Dr.” Jill Biden, the First Lady, may be the one pulling the strings behind the scenes. Clark points out Jill Biden’s insistence on being addressed as “Doctor,” even though her doctorate is in Education and not in a field that typically warrants such a title. This, combined with the perceived ineptitude of the Biden administration, leads Clark to believe that Jill Biden is the real force behind the presidency.

Whether or not this theory holds any truth, it highlights the concerns many Americans have about the Biden administration’s competency. The fact that the person who is supposed to be in charge, Joe Biden, seems unaware of what’s going on while the supposed shadow president, Jill Biden, lacks competence in her supposed field doesn’t inspire confidence. It’s time for transparency and leadership from the Biden administration.

In another alarming story, Liberty Safe confirms that they gave the FBI the access code to a gun safe during a raid on January 6th protester Nathan Hughes. This revelation raises serious questions about the company’s commitment to protecting their customers’ personal property and Second Amendment rights. Even if there was a valid warrant for law enforcement to search the premises, Liberty should not have been the one to provide access to the safe. It is not their place to decide the validity of a search warrant.

This incident further highlights the need for companies like Liberty Safe to prioritize their customers’ privacy and constitutional rights. They should have their own legal team to challenge requests for access and should ensure that there is no backdoor access available. It’s disappointing to see a company that claims to value their customers’ rights take such a reckless approach. It’s time for Liberty Safe to reevaluate its stance on protecting the Second Amendment.

Lastly, Massachusetts has activated the National Guard as they struggle with the consequences of their own open-border policies. Despite having a small fraction of the illegal immigrant population compared to states like Texas and Arizona, Massachusetts is now facing the same issues of overcrowded shelters and homeless individuals. This hypocrisy is evident as the local residents, who have put these Democrat officials in power, protest against their handling of the situation.

It’s hard to feel sympathy for areas that have supported open-border policies and are now suffering the consequences. If voters want competent leadership, they need to start demanding accountability from those they elect. These far-left areas should have cared about the border crisis long before it ended up in their own backyards. It’s time for a change in voting patterns and a shift towards competent leadership that prioritizes the safety and well-being of its citizens.

In conclusion, this week’s roundup of news stories sheds light on the issues plaguing the Biden administration and the consequences of misguided policies. From Biden’s abrupt exit during a ceremony to speculations about a shadow president, these stories raise concerns about the competence and transparency of this administration. Furthermore, the revelation about Liberty Safe’s cooperation with law enforcement raises questions about companies’ commitment to their customers’ privacy and constitutional rights. Lastly, the struggles of Massachusetts highlight the consequences of open-border policies and the importance of holding elected officials accountable. It’s time for a change in leadership and a return to policies that prioritize American values and prosperity.

Written by Staff Reports

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