
Biden Mulls White Flag for 2024 If Trump Runs

President Joe Biden raised eyebrows among his circle of loyal supporters when he hinted at the possibility of not seeking re-election in 2024. During a gathering of deep-pocketed donors in Weston, Massachusetts, the President let slip that if former President Trump were not in the running, he would probably not throw his hat in the ring for another four years.

Oh, Joe, always with the drama! Biden previously floated the idea of not running for re-election back in 2019, but according to his recent comments, it seems like he’s banking on being the only Democrat who can take on Trump. Diva alert!

But wait, there’s more! Biden made a bold claim that the Democratic party simply cannot allow Trump to take the reins again. “If Trump wasn’t running, I’m not sure I’d be running,” Biden said, also adding that Democrats “cannot let him [Trump] win.” Talk about low confidence in your own party, Joe!

And of course, Biden just can’t resist taking a swipe at Trump’s potential 2024 agenda, painting it as dangerous and catastrophic. “Trump’s not even hiding the ball anymore. He’s telling us what he’s going to do. He’s making no bones about it,” Biden whined to the CNN, always quick to throw shade at his rival.

Not to mention, there are rumblings among the Democrats and the establishment that maybe, just maybe, Biden isn’t the ideal candidate to face off against Trump. With concerns about his age and plummeting popularity, even some bigwigs in the Democrat Party are suggesting it might be time for Joe to gracefully bow out.

David Axelrod, a close confidant of Barack Obama, dropped a truth bomb by saying, “If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise, whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s.” Ouch, Joe, that’s gotta sting!

But it looks like the numbers game isn’t in Biden’s favor either. Polling data reveals that Trump is coming out on top against Biden in key swing states, and even among “men of color” voters. The writing’s on the wall, Joe, and it’s not looking good for you!

So, what’s a Democrat to do when the odds seem stacked against them? Well, it looks like Biden might be considering an early retirement from the political spotlight, leaving the 2024 election drama for someone else to handle. Tick tock, Joe – time’s running out!

Written by Staff Reports

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