
Biden Opens Floodgates: Border Chaos Ignored as GOP Preps Visit!

The Biden administration has made the ludicrous decision to reopen four ports of entry at the southern border, allowing more illegal immigrants to flood into the country unchecked. This comes at a time when congressional Republicans are gearing up for a visit to the border to witness firsthand the chaos and crisis caused by the administration’s failed immigration policies.

The four ports of entry in Eagle Pass, Texas; San Ysidro, California; Lukeville, Arizona; and Nogales, Arizona, were closed as U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) struggled to handle the overwhelming surge of migrants. The situation became so dire that CBP encountered more than 300,000 migrants, a clear sign that the border isn’t as secure as President Biden would like everyone to believe.

In a weak attempt to spin the narrative, a Biden administration official claimed that the recent decrease in migrant encounters in the Del Rio sector was due to their stellar enforcement efforts. But let’s be real here, folks – this is just a blatant cover-up for their inability to effectively address the crisis at the border.

And as if that wasn’t enough, Arizona Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly had the audacity to express their relief at the ports of entry reopening. Are they serious? It’s like they’re completely ignoring the devastating effects of the administration’s failed border policies and their support for these senseless reopenings.

The White House, in a desperate attempt to shift blame, tried to point fingers at Republicans for the ongoing border crisis. White House spokesperson Andrew Bates accused House Republicans of being anti-border security and blasted them for their supposed attempts to undermine President Biden’s border security funding. It’s classic deflection, folks – they can’t take responsibility for their own failures, so they’re trying to pin it on the other side.

In response, House Speaker Mike Johnson called out the Biden administration for diverting illegal immigrants away from Eagle Pass just to keep them out of the camera shots during the @HouseGOP’s visit. 


Written by Staff Reports

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