
Biden Outranks Carter in Unpopularity Race, Secures #2 Spot!

In a new report by Andrew Romano from Yahoo News, it has been revealed that Joe Biden is the second most unpopular president in modern U.S. history. Wow, talk about a not-so-great achievement! It looks like Biden is just not quite hitting it off with the American people. But hey, at least he can take solace in the fact that he got a whopping 81 million votes! I mean, that’s gotta count for something, right?

The findings were aired on CNN, which is not surprising considering they are known for their Democratic bias. It seems like Democrats and their media cohorts are already preparing to throw Biden under the bus. Can you blame them? With approval ratings like that, it’s no wonder they’re starting to distance themselves from him.

According to the report, as of July 18, Biden’s average job-approval rating is a pitiful 39.1%. Ouch! And his average disapproval rating is even worse at 55.4%. Yikes! That means his “net approval rating” is a whopping -16.3%. That’s right folks, Biden is well “underwater,” as the pollsters like to say. I guess the American people are just not feeling the Biden magic.

But wait, it gets worse. Historically speaking, a negative 16.3% is really, really bad. In fact, the only president with weaker numbers than Biden was Jimmy Carter. You remember him, right? The one-term president who gave us the infamous gas lines? Yeah, that guy. Well, on day 910 of his presidency, Carter hit a dismal -28.6% approval rating. Oof, talk about a rough go.

So what’s the reason behind Biden’s unpopularity? According to Eric Levitz from New York Magazine, it could be due to Americans having little tolerance for inflation. They’re not happy about those rising grocery bills and they’re not afraid to blame the government for it. Maybe they’re just longing for the good old days when Donald Trump was president and everything was hunky-dory. Who knows? All I know is that Biden better step up his game if he wants to turn those numbers around. The American people deserve better than second place in the “unpopular president” race. Let’s hope he can make some changes and start winning over the hearts and minds of the people. But hey, at least he’s got those 81 million votes to keep him warm at night.

Written by Staff Reports

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