
Biden Panics Over 2024 Odds, Unleashes Wrath on Staff – Insider Spills!

President Joe Biden is feeling the heat as his poll numbers continue to plummet, and he’s not happy about it. According to a report from The Washington Post, Biden recently had some stern words for his team of aides, expressing his frustration with his low approval ratings and demanding to know what they were doing to turn things around. The report also cited private statements from Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, who voiced concerns about Democrats winning elections with Biden at the top of the ticket. Slotkin has publicly expressed support for Biden, but behind closed doors, it seems she has some reservations.

This isn’t the first time Democrats have expressed worry about Biden’s standing in the polls. An October report from The Wall Street Journal revealed that many top Democrats are concerned about Biden’s vulnerabilities and drew comparisons to the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton lost to Trump despite reassurances from party leaders. It seems some Democrats are starting to question whether Biden is the right person to lead the party moving forward.

The Journal also conducted a poll that showed former President Donald Trump leading Biden in a head-to-head race. The poll revealed that only 23% of voters believe Biden’s policies have helped them personally, while 53% feel they have been hurt by his agenda. This widespread unhappiness with Biden is causing a sense of malaise in the country, with voters citing concerns about inflation, high prices, and a general feeling of economic injustice.

Even some of Biden’s 2020 supporters are expressing disappointment with his performance. One voter, Robert Gilbert, said he doesn’t believe Biden has done much for the American people, while another voter, Stephanie Evans, feels like the forgotten stepchild in the country. These sentiments are leading some voters to reconsider their allegiance to the Democratic Party.

It remains to be seen whether Biden can turn things around and regain the support of disillusioned voters. However, one thing is clear: the president’s low approval ratings and the growing concerns within the Democratic Party are causing waves in the political landscape. As the 2022 midterms approach, Democrats may need to rethink their strategy and consider whether Biden is the best candidate to lead them to victory.v

Written by Staff Reports

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