
Biden, Pentagon Back Fumbling Ukraine: Our Tax Dollars at Work?

President Joe Biden and his cronies at the Pentagon are once again showing their unwavering support for Ukraine, despite the country’s failing military counteroffensive. Biden used his platform at the United Nations General Assembly to argue that Ukraine’s safety is tied to the safety of all nations, as if we should all be trembling in fear of the mighty Ukraine. He claimed that investing in Ukraine’s future would somehow magically lead to a “rules-based world order,” whatever that means.

Not to be outdone, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin chimed in with his own delusional take on the situation. He called Ukraine’s fight a “great cause” and insisted that it was about more than just one democracy’s survival. According to him, it’s a fight against autocrats, chaos, and tyranny. Someone should remind Austin that Ukraine is the one invading Crimea, not the other way around.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley assured everyone that the U.S. and its allies have more than enough resources to keep propping up Ukraine. He declared that our military is ready to sustain this fight “as long as it takes,” as if we have an endless supply of money and manpower to throw at a failing endeavor.

But despite all of this grandstanding and bluster, Ukraine’s counteroffensive has fallen flat. The Washington Post reports that their push to sever Russia’s land bridge to Crimea is likely to fail. And even Gen. Milley himself admitted that Ukrainian forces have not achieved what they set out to do. So why on earth are we continuing to pour billions of dollars into a losing cause?

It’s no surprise that Republicans in Congress are divided on the issue. Some, like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, are calling for more support, while others are rightly questioning the wisdom of throwing more money down the Ukrainian drain. How much longer are we expected to prop up a failing military operation?

Unfortunately, it seems that President Biden and his team are not interested in addressing these concerns. They are dead-set on supporting Ukraine no matter the cost. They don’t seem to care about the American people’s weariness or the fact that a majority of Americans oppose more aid for Ukraine. They will continue to push for more funding, regardless of the consequences.

It’s clear that Biden and his cronies are more interested in virtue signaling and maintaining the illusion of American global dominance than in making smart and pragmatic decisions. But hey, at least they can pat themselves on the back for being on the “right side of history,” right? Meanwhile, the American people are left footing the bill for their misguided foreign policy adventures. Slava Ukraini indeed.

Written by Staff Reports

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