
Biden Politicizes Valley Forge in Swipe at Trump Legacy

It’s that time of year again when President Joe Biden can’t resist taking a jab at his favorite punching bag: Donald Trump and his loyal supporters. This time, he’s planning to use the sacred grounds of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania as the backdrop for his latest attack on the former president and his voters. Yes, you heard that right. The same place where George Washington fought for our freedom will now be used for Biden’s cheap political stunts.

According to reports, Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chávez Rodríguez, made it clear that the upcoming 2024 election is not just about different political beliefs. No, it’s about “protecting our democracy and every American’s fundamental freedoms,” because apparently, Trump and his voters pose a direct threat to the very fabric of our nation. Give us a break, Julie.

And if that wasn’t enough, Biden’s communication director, Michael Tyler, went on to label Trump as a dictator and accused his supporters of encouraging and applauding political violence. This kind of fear-mongering and demonization of political opponents is straight out of the leftist playbook.

But wait, it gets even more ridiculous. Trump’s campaign advisers fired back, calling Biden and his cronies a “real and compelling threat to our Democracy.” The irony here is rich. It’s Biden and his radical leftist allies who are the ones threatening the core principles of our democracy with their power grabs and divisive rhetoric.

And to top it all off, Biden plans to visit the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, where he’ll likely continue to exploit tragedies for political gain. It’s shameful how he’s using historical landmarks and horrific events to push his own narrative and attack his political opponents.

Meanwhile, the latest Washington Post poll reveals that the number of Americans who believe Biden’s election is “illegitimate” has jumped by 20 percent. Even more telling is that the majority of Republicans and Trump voters reject the notion that January 6th was an attack on democracy. It’s clear that the left’s attempt to weaponize that day for their own gain isn’t resonating with the American people.

In the end, Biden’s desperate attempt to use American history to vilify his political opponents and delegitimize Trump and his supporters is nothing more than a sad display of partisan theatrics. The American people see through these tactics, and they won’t be fooled by Biden’s divisive rhetoric. Let’s hope Biden remembers that the walls at Valley Forge could tell tales of bravery, sacrifice, and true leadership, unlike the self-serving political posturing we can expect from him.

Written by Staff Reports

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