
Biden Pressures Facebook: NYT Gets Boost Over Conservative Media!

New materials obtained by the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by the esteemed Rep. Jim Jordan, have revealed the Biden White House’s secret plot to manipulate Facebook and control the information Americans see. The “Facebook Files,” as Rep. Jordan aptly calls them, expose digital strategy director Rob Flaherty’s shady attempts to change Facebook’s algorithm in favor of liberal news outlets like The New York Times and against right-wing sources like the Daily Wire and Tomi Lahren.

Flaherty shamelessly suggested that if Facebook altered its algorithm to prioritize “authoritative” news sources like the NYT and WSJ, it would limit the visibility of “polarizing” figures such as Tomi Lahren. This blatant attempt to silence conservative voices is a direct assault on free speech and the values our great nation was built upon. It’s clear that the Biden White House is determined to control the narrative and suppress any alternative viewpoints.

But the plot thickens. In additional emails uncovered through the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit, Flaherty pressured Facebook to snoop on and censor users on the encrypted messaging platform, WhatsApp. He questioned how Facebook could combat “misinformation” on WhatsApp if they couldn’t see people’s messages. This invasive request for surveillance and censorship demonstrates the Biden administration’s willingness to undermine privacy and violate the rights of American citizens.

Furthermore, Flaherty lambasted Facebook for not doing enough to suppress “vaccine-skeptical” content. He demanded answers on the effectiveness of their efforts to reduce the spread of vaccine hesitancy. It’s alarming to see the level of interference the Biden White House is willing to exert over the flow of information, even in matters of public health. Their disregard for individual freedoms and the right to make informed decisions is truly concerning.

These revelations further confirm what conservatives have long suspected: the left-wing alliance between the Biden administration and Big Tech is a clear threat to free speech and democracy. It’s time for the American people to wake up to this collusion and fight back against the censorship and manipulation of our information. We must defend our cherished values of liberty and ensure that all voices, regardless of their ideology, can be heard.

Written by Staff Reports

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