
Biden Pushes Obamacare Benefits for DACA, Costs Taxpayers Billions

President Biden is up to his old tricks again, folks! This time, he’s pushing to open the doors of Obamacare to illegal aliens who are enrolled in the DACA program. That’s right, your tax dollars could soon be footing the bill for healthcare for those who didn’t quite follow the rules to be here in the first place.

Former President Obama created the DACA program, giving a free pass to over a million illegal aliens. And now, Biden is taking it a step further by allowing them to jump on the Obamacare bandwagon. The Center for Immigration Studies estimates this move could cost American taxpayers a whopping $4,600 per illegal alien. That’s a lot of dough that could be better spent on our own citizens who are struggling to get by.

With more than 25 million Americans still lacking health insurance, you’d think Biden would focus on helping them first. But no, he’s too busy patting himself on the back for his “historic step” to include DACA recipients in Obamacare. It’s like he’s saying, “Come one, come all, and let Uncle Sam pick up the tab!”

Of course, Biden is all smiles about this decision, praising the contributions of DACA recipients and claiming he’s committed to their success. It’s all rainbows and butterflies until you realize that this move could cost taxpayers a whopping $2.8 billion annually. That’s money that could be spent on improving healthcare access for legal residents and citizens in need.

Some conservative voices, like Senators J.D. Vance and Josh Hawley, have spoken out against this plan, but Biden is plowing ahead anyway. It’s a classic case of liberal priorities gone astray, folks. So, hold onto your wallets because it looks like the bill for healthcare for illegal aliens is coming your way, courtesy of the Biden administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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