
Biden Re-Election Hopes Tanking, Even Hometown Heckles His 2024 Run!

The liberal media is in for a rude awakening as President Joe Biden’s chances for re-election are plummeting faster than a lead balloon. Despite their desperate attempts to paint a rosy picture, it’s crystal clear that half the country has as much faith in Biden’s re-election as they do in a chocolate teapot. Even his own hometown in Delaware isn’t exactly throwing a ticker-tape parade for his 2024 campaign.

According to those left-wing pals over at the Guardian, Scranton, Delaware locals are about as enthusiastic about Biden’s re-election as a kid at the dentist. Residents are voicing their doubts about ol’ Joe securing another four years, especially as the U.S. embarks on an all-expenses-paid trip to Rock Bottom under his “leadership.”

Breitbart was quick to shine a light on the not-so-secret reasons why folks are feeling let down by Biden’s magic act. History buff and Biden voter-turned-independent Nick Petula ain’t feeling the spark anymore. Hunter Biden’s legal shenanigans have him all tied up in knots, and he’s not the only one. Restaurant worker Mike Boratyn, another former Biden supporter, is feeling like he’s trying to decide between plain and raisin bran cereal for breakfast in 2024. He’s not sure whom he’ll cast his vote for, but he’s pretty miffed about Biden’s lackluster performance. As for art therapy major Brandon DeManincor, he’s as thrilled about Biden’s presumptive nominee status as a cat at a dog show. He’s holding out for a fresh face in the Democratic party, but it looks like that ship has sailed.

A recent Pew Research poll has confirmed what everyone and their grandma already knew: folks aren’t exactly throwing a party in Biden’s honor. Only 33 percent, the lowest figure since he took office, given him a thumbs-up for his country-handling skills. And Republicans and their buddies barely even want to high-five ol’ Joe, with a measly 7 percent feeling all warm and fuzzy about him. Even the Democrat fan club has taken a hit, with approval dropping like a hot potato from 73 to 61 percent.

It’s like watching a trainwreck in slow motion, and the liberal media might want to start looking for a new horse to back in 2024, because Biden’s re-election train seems to be stuck at the station.

Written by Staff Reports

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