
Biden Relies on Jill in Maui: Who’s Really Leading the US?

President Joe Biden’s physical and mental health continue to raise concerns among a majority of Americans, who are increasingly worried about his ability to lead the nation. At 80 years old, Biden is the oldest president in U.S. history, and his recent visit to Maui only highlighted his diminishing capabilities.

During his trip, it was plain to see that the president was reliant on his wife, Jill Biden, to guide him and make decisions for him. Videos shared on social media captured three instances where the first lady took the lead and even held the president’s hand, leading him around like a lost child. It’s concerning that the leader of the free world needs constant guidance from his spouse.

One particular incident occurred at the end of a press conference in Maui. President Biden appeared lost and disoriented, lingering behind the podium until he was nudged by Senator Brian Schatz to move along. Instead of acknowledging the senator, Biden followed his wife’s lead, who had to wait for him to catch up after a few steps.

Later, upon their return to Nevada, the first couple walked toward Air Force One, and once again, President Biden needed assistance. He was led up the stairs by the hand, while struggling to hold onto his cap in the strong winds. This is reminiscent of past incidents where the White House blamed gusts for Biden’s falls.

While the president and first lady were not seen holding hands, their proximity to each other throughout the entire trip was alarming. They descended the steps from Air Force One side-by-side, reinforcing the perception that Jill Biden is there to support and guide her husband every step of the way. It begs the question: who is really making the decisions in this administration?

These incidents only add to the concerns that already exist among Americans, across party lines. A June poll conducted by NBC News revealed that around two-thirds of voters had worries about President Biden’s physical and mental well-being. A staggering 68 percent expressed some level of concern, with 55 percent having major concerns. It’s troubling to see the deterioration in such a short period.

The fact that even Democrats share these concerns is significant. The number of Democrats worried about Biden’s health has more than doubled since October 2020. Nearly half of all Democrats now have some level of concern about their own party’s president’s physical and mental health. This speaks volumes about the severity of the issue.

It is crucial that the American people have a leader who is capable, both physically and mentally, to effectively govern the nation. With every stumble, confusion, and reliance on his spouse, President Biden’s fitness for office comes into question. It’s time for transparency and honesty about his health, as the well-being of the country depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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