
Biden Shakes in Fear: Green Party’s Cornel West Threatens Election!

In a surprising turn of events, Cornel West of the Green Party may assume a significant role in the forthcoming 2024 presidential election. With President Biden grappling with declining poll numbers and mounting concerns about his mental acuity, Mr. West's emergence as a third-party candidate could pose a potential threat to the Democrats' chances.

As of now, the Green Party has secured ballot access in 17 states, including pivotal battleground states such as Wisconsin and Michigan. This underscores the significance of Mr. West's candidacy, as it cannot be dismissed lightly. According to a national poll conducted by Emerson College, Mr. West garnered 4% of the vote when included in the lineup, resulting in diminished support for both Biden and Trump.

What particularly troubles the Democrats is Mr. West's appeal to key demographics that traditionally lean left. He garnered support from 7% of Hispanics, 5% of the Black vote, and 7% of voters under 35 years old. If Mr. West manages to sway even a small percentage of these voters away from Biden in pivotal swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia, it could potentially shift the electoral votes in favor of the Republicans.

Mr. West's platform is grounded in more assertive policies, including ending U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts, phasing out fossil fuel usage, implementing universal healthcare, and reforming law enforcement. He also champions initiatives such as reparations for historical injustices against Black individuals, the abolition of the Electoral College, and the democratization of unaccountable monopolies and oligopolies.

While some Democratic Party officials may not be panicking just yet, there is apprehension that the Green Party could play a more substantial role in the upcoming election, reminiscent of their impact in 2016 when candidate Jill Stein diverted enough support from Hillary Clinton to tilt the swing states in Trump's favor. Democratic strategist David Axelrod cautions that the party should closely monitor Mr. West's campaign to avoid a repeat of history.

To add further intrigue, there's another potential challenge for both Biden and Trump in the form of a bipartisan group known as No Labels. This group, having secured ballot access in 10 states and planning expansion to 28 states by year's end, is focused on launching a "unity ticket" comprising moderate independent candidates.

Ultimately, it appears that the 2024 election could be a tumultuous journey with the presence of third-party candidates like Cornel West and the potential emergence of a "moderate independent" party ticket. Only time will reveal the impact of these factors on the race, but one thing is certain – the Democrats should not underestimate the influence of the Green Party and the electorate's desire for change.

Written by Staff Reports

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