
Biden Sidesteps Immigration Laws to Shield Illegal Immigrant Spouses and Children from Deportation

President Biden found another way to sidestep immigration laws, announcing a new policy to shield illegal immigrant spouses and children of U.S. citizens from deportation. The Department of Homeland Security is now tasked with implementing this so-called initiative, which will allow illegals to apply for lawful permanent residence without leaving the country. Because apparently, following the proper process is just too much to ask.

The White House spins this as a noble effort to “promote family unity” and “strengthen our economy,” but let’s call it what it really is: a blatant attempt to secure future voters. The new policy targets noncitizens who have been in the U.S. for at least a decade and are married to a U.S. citizen. On the face of it, the criteria sound rigorous, but it’s just another loophole to let hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants skip the line.

Once approved through DHS’s so-called “case-by-case assessment,” these individuals will get a three-year period to apply for permanent residency, allowing them to stay with their families and even get work authorization. Translation: more competition for American jobs and another magnet for illegal immigration. It seemingly disregards the countless people who have been patiently waiting and following the proper channels to enter this country legally. 


The White House claims this will aid about half a million noncitizen spouses and 50,000 children. In reality, it’s about bolstering an electoral base. Let’s not forget the untold stories of American lives affected negatively by such policies. The timing is beyond cynical, conveniently set up just in time for the elections.

Critics on the right are ringing the alarm bells. They see this as an unconstitutional overreach and another move further weakening our border security and national sovereignty. And they’re correct. If Republicans don’t push back with real, bold action, the consequences will be dire. This isn’t just about amnesty; it’s a betrayal of America’s legal process and the security of its citizens.

Written by Staff Reports

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