
Biden Sinking Fast: 70% Doubt Mental Fitness, Trump Leads in 2024 Polls

These days, Vice President Joe Biden is struggling to maintain his head above water. Not only does he have a dismal approval rating, but his leading Republican opponent for the 2024 presidential election is leaving him in the dust. What a trying period Joe has had!

Only 32 percent of respondents in a recent Harvard Harris Poll believe that Biden is cognitively competent to serve as president. Nearly seventy percent of individuals have grave doubts about his mental acuity. The outlook is not favorable for Sleepy Joe.

Even worse news awaits the President. In a hypothetical match-up between Biden and the one and only Donald J. Trump, Biden would prevail. Trump outperforms Biden by five points, leaving Vice President Kamala Harris in the dust with a nine-point deficit. Ouch!

However, let's not overlook "Bidenomics." Where should we even begin? Experts do not believe Biden's claims of a booming economy and minimal unemployment. The chairman of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes, criticized Biden's inflated ego, noting that inflation is still at an all-time high and that people's credit card debt is through the roof. It appears that Biden's so-called economic plan is not performing as expected.

Even Trump's former economic adviser, Steve Moore, weighed in, asserting that the current inflation is a direct consequence of Biden's catastrophic policies. Americans are experiencing the agony at the grocery store and petrol pump as prices continue to rise. Many thanks, Joe.

The bottom line is that Biden's presidency is rapidly deteriorating. With his approval rating hovering around 40 percent and his mental fitness being questioned, it is evident that the American people are seeking new leadership. It's time for a leader who can get things done and puts America first. The sooner they arrive, the less damage Biden's calamitous policies will cause.

Written by Staff Reports

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