
Biden Sinks as Trump Soars: Polls Reveal Inflation Nightmare!

President Joe Biden is in big trouble, folks! He’s desperately trying to avoid facing the one and only former President Donald Trump in the upcoming general election, but it seems like his efforts are sinking faster than the Titanic. And if you take a look at the latest poll, it’s clear that his troubles are just beginning.

A brand new poll from Premise Data was released this week, and let me tell you, it’s not looking good for Biden. The poll shows that Trump continues to enjoy a solid seven-point lead over Biden, just like previous polls earlier this year. Out of over 1,700 registered voters surveyed nationwide, Trump grabs 41 percent compared to Biden’s measly 34 percent. And get this, a quarter of voters were undecided. Ouch!

It seems like Biden’s sinking numbers are all thanks to the pesky inflation problem we’ve been dealing with lately. Almost 60 percent of respondents said they strongly or somewhat disapprove of Biden’s job performance, and a whopping 82 percent described the current national economy as “fair” or “poor.” It’s no surprise that the economy and inflation are top concerns for over 40 percent of these voters.

Meanwhile, President Trump’s path to the Republican Party’s nomination is as shiny as his gold-plated buildings. Among likely GOP primary voters, Trump received a staggering 57 percent of support, leaving Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the dust with a measly 16 percent. This lead is huge, folks, one of the biggest in modern history for a candidate in a crowded field. Trump is so confident in his lead that he’s even considering skipping the first debate and hosting his own event. Can you blame him? Why waste time on a debate when you’re already way ahead of the pack?

Now, Biden, who promised steady leadership during his campaign, will likely switch gears and start fear-mongering about the chaos that would ensue if Trump were reelected. He desperately needs to win back key demographics, like Black voters, who have started to question his abilities since 2020. And let’s not forget the fact that a bunch of voters out there think he’s just too old to handle a second term. It’s no secret that Biden’s public spills and senior moments have people worried. Maybe it’s time for him to retire gracefully and make way for someone like Vice President Kamala Harris or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

So, folks, it looks like Biden’s ship is taking on water, and it’s time for him to face the hard truth. Trump is still a force to be reckoned with, and the American people aren’t buying into Biden’s flimsy leadership. It’s going to be an uphill battle for our current president, but hey, that’s what you get when you try to compete with someone as dynamic and capable as Donald Trump. Stay tuned, folks, this election is going to be one for the books!

Written by Staff Reports

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