
Biden Skates Free on Docs Scandal, Conservatives Face Music!

President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents will not result in criminal charges, despite the findings of a nearly year-long investigation by special counsel Robert Hur and his team. The Wall Street Journal reported that while Hur’s detailed report will be critical of Biden’s actions, no charges will be filed. It’s worth pointing out that this all comes from the liberal media, so take it with a grain of salt!

Hur’s investigation included interviews with approximately 100 of Biden’s aides, colleagues, and even family members. The president himself was subjected to a two-day interview last month. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Hur after classified documents were discovered in Biden’s Delaware home and at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in D.C. Let’s just say, if it were former President Trump, there would have been a media circus and non-stop coverage. But because it’s ol’ Joe Biden, the mainstream media is trying to sweep this under the rug!

The investigation also included interviews with prominent figures such as Secretary of State Antony Blinken, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, and former White House chief of staff Ron Klain. And let’s not forget that while Biden is getting off scot-free, the Biden Justice Department has previously charged Trump with mishandling classified materials. It’s a classic case of double standards and liberal bias in action!

Biden’s retained classified documents reportedly date back to his time as vice president and U.S. senator. Interestingly, Biden doesn’t have the authority to declassify documents, except for those he classified himself as vice president. Unlike Trump, who argued his ability to declassify, Biden was in a sticky situation and had no excuse. But of course, the Biden supporters argue that he quickly turned over the materials once they were discovered and has been more cooperative with the FBI. Yeah, right! They’re just covering for him because he’s on their team.

The House Oversight Committee is even investigating Biden’s family’s overseas business dealings during his time as vice president. This includes allegations of bribery and influence peddling. Why isn’t the mainstream media all over this? It’s clear as day that the Democrats are getting away with things that a Republican would never even dream of getting a pass on! It’s the epitome of a biased and unfounded witch hunt against conservatives.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s just another day in the world of politics. The bias and double standards are as predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. But you know what? The truth has a funny way of shining through, and conservative media outlets like The Western Journal will continue to bring you all the details that the elite liberal media wants to keep hidden!

Written by Staff Reports

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