
Biden Skips NATO Dinner, Sends Blinken Instead: Leader MIA on World Stage

Oh boy, folks, it looks like President Joe Biden’s European adventure just keeps getting weirder and weirder. First, we had the highly amusing spectacle of him stumbling around Windsor Castle like a lost tourist, clinging onto Prince Charles for dear life. Then, he got distracted by a Welsh Guardsman, leaving the poor Queen to gently coax him away. But now, it seems Biden has taken his confusion to a whole new level by skipping out on an important NATO dinner. I mean, seriously, who does that?

Apparently, Biden thought it was more important to head straight to his hotel in Lithuania than dine with our NATO allies. And who did he send in his place? None other than Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Talk about insulting! It’s like Biden couldn’t be bothered to show up and thought Blinken would do just fine rubbing shoulders with world leaders. Well, excuse us, Mr. President, but that’s not how it works. The leader of the free world should be present, not sending his lackeys to do his job.

Now, of course, the White House tried to come up with some feeble excuse for Biden’s absence. They claimed he had “four full days of official business” and needed to prepare for a big speech. Four full days? How is that even possible? Did they count the time he spent lounging on Rehoboth Beach scrolling through his phone as “official business”? Give me a break. It seems like Biden is more interested in leisure trips and vacations than actually doing his job.

But hey, don’t worry folks, because we have Vice President Kamala Harris to save the day! Oh wait, she’s not doing anything either. It’s just a never-ending cycle of incompetence and lack of leadership. And let’s not forget, this isn’t the first time Biden has ditched an important event while on foreign soil. Back in 2022, he bailed on a G20 summit, leaving his handlers scrambling for an explanation. It’s becoming a pattern, folks, and it’s not a good one.

So, here we are again, with our fearless leader unable to fulfill his duties and his trusty sidekick doing absolutely nothing to inspire confidence. It’s a sad state of affairs, my friends. The world is watching, and they’re seeing just how weak and ineffective our president is. It’s embarrassing. We need a leader who will show up, take charge, and represent our country with dignity and strength. Sadly, we’re not getting that with Joe Biden. It’s time for a change, folks. It’s time for someone who actually knows how to do the job.

Written by Staff Reports

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