
Biden Slammed by Staff: Misleading USA on Israel-Hamas Conflict?

In a surprising and audacious move, over 100 staffers from the State Department and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) have banded together to accuse President Joe Biden of “spreading misinformation” about the Israel-Hamas conflict. This internal memo, organized by a junior State Department diplomat who just can’t seem to keep their opinions off social media, takes aim at Biden’s pro-Israel stance and criticizes his speech on October 10th, where he unequivocally supported our ally, Israel, in the face of Hamas’s deadly attack.

Now, let’s be clear, folks. This memo, reported by the ever-reliable Axios, represents a staggering internal challenge to the Biden administration’s handling of the situation. These staffers, lacking the audacity to specify the supposed misinformation, are insinuating that Biden’s narrative is anything but the truth when it comes to the Middle East. Can you believe it?

In this memo, these State Department and USAID staffers express their oh-so-deep concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza. They even have the audacity to question Israel’s actions, claiming that measures such as cutting off electricity, limiting aid, and conducting attacks in Gaza amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Give me a break! These staffers seem to have conveniently forgotten that Israel has every right to defend itself against the reprehensible acts of Hamas terrorists. It’s called self-defense, people!

Furthermore, this memo has the nerve to call for the U.S. government to reevaluate its approach towards Israel. Can you believe it? These staffers think they know better than our elected officials who have spent years cultivating strong alliances with our allies. And get this, they also have the audacity to criticize Biden for questioning the reported death toll in Gaza. It’s almost as if they want to prioritize Palestinian lives over the safety and security of our own ally. Unbelievable!

Thankfully, House Republicans have shown their unwavering support for Israel by approving a $14.3 billion federal aid package. And guess what? They even had the brilliant idea to reallocate funds from the IRS under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. Finally, someone has the guts to prioritize our allies over bloated government organizations. Kudos to the GOP for delivering on their campaign promises!

But hold on tight, folks, because here’s where it gets interesting. Biden, in his usual fashion, has threatened to veto a standalone funding bill for Israel if it lands on his desk. Can you believe the audacity of this man? Instead, he wants Congress to pass a massive $100 billion aid package that includes a whopping $60 million for Ukraine. It’s as if he thinks the American taxpayers’ hard-earned money is his personal piggy bank, splurging on his own foreign policy agenda.

Make no mistake, folks. Our conservative values and the safety of our allies, like Israel, are on the line. We need strong leaders who will stand up for what’s right and put America and its allies first. Biden may claim to be doing just that, but his actions speak louder than words. It’s time for a real change, and it starts by holding the Biden administration accountable for their misguided policies and standing firmly with our friends in Israel.

Written by Staff Reports

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