
Biden Snubs Easter for Trans Day, Divides Nation Further

In a recent White House press briefing, Karine Jean-Pierre, the press secretary, addressed the uproar surrounding President Joe Biden’s acknowledgment of “Transgender Day of Visibility.” As a conservative Republican news writer, it is clear that the Biden administration’s decision to recognize such a day is out of touch with traditional American values. The press secretary’s attempt to deflect criticism by blaming it on “misinformation” demonstrates a lack of accountability for their controversial actions.

Jean-Pierre’s attempt to justify the proclamation by pointing out the coincidence with Easter Sunday only further highlights the disconnect between the administration and the American people. As a Christian nation, it is concerning to see the White House prioritize a day celebrating transgender individuals over one of the most sacred holidays in the Christian faith. It is evident that the Biden administration is more focused on pushing a divisive agenda rather than unifying the country.

The press secretary’s attempt to use Fox News to validate the administration’s decision is laughable at best. Conservatives have long criticized mainstream media outlets like Fox News for promoting liberal agendas, so using them as a defense only serves to further alienate conservative Americans. It is clear that the Biden administration is willing to ignore traditional values and pander to the left in order to push their radical agenda.

President Biden’s dismissive response to Speaker Johnson’s concerns only adds fuel to the fire. By calling Johnson “thoroughly uninformed,” Biden shows a lack of respect for differing opinions and a disregard for the concerns of the American people. It is clear that the Biden administration is more interested in virtue signaling to the progressive left than in representing the values of all Americans.

The Biden administration’s decision to recognize “Transgender Day of Visibility” has only served to further divide the country. By prioritizing a day celebrating transgender individuals over one of the most important Christian holidays, the administration has shown a blatant disregard for traditional American values. It is time for President Biden to focus on uniting the country rather than pushing a radical and divisive agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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