
Biden Snubs Love Child, Pet Gets Stocking Instead!

President Joe Biden’s disregard for his own grandchild has reached a new low this Christmas season. The Biden family made headlines by refusing to hang up any stockings for their grandchild on the White House mantel. It is clear that Biden would rather let all of his other grandchildren miss out on the joy of Christmas than acknowledge the existence of his seventh granddaughter.

Since taking office, Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have been adamant in their refusal to acknowledge Hunter Biden’s love child, Navy. The child was born out of wedlock in 2018 to a former stripper named Lunden Roberts. The president and his wife have gone so far as to instruct their staff to claim that the presidential family only has six grandchildren, completely snubbing Navy.

Instead of recognizing their own flesh and blood with stockings this Christmas, the Bidens have chosen to honor their pets. One of their pets, who has a history of biting White House staffers, received more attention than their own grandchild. The Biden camp defended their decision by stating that the family will be spending Christmas at Camp David, and therefore their stockings will be there. But come on, we all know that hanging up stockings is about acknowledging family, not mere functionality.

It is clear that Biden loves to boast about his “six” grandchildren, constantly expressing his affection for them. However, when it comes to his innocent seventh granddaughter, he remains tight-lipped. Even Jill Biden dedicated her children’s book to her grandchildren, specifically listing only the first six names. The blatant disregard for Navy is a slap in the face to the young child and a sign of Biden’s lack of character.

The Biden administration attempted to cover up their negligence by releasing a statement about the White House holiday theme for 2023, claiming it is inspired by children experiencing the magic and joy of the season. But their actions speak louder than words. By purposefully ignoring their own grandson, they are only protecting themselves and avoiding any negative publicity. Biden would rather put his own image before the truth, even if it means alienating a member of his own family.

It is a shame that the president of the United States cannot even show basic decency and acknowledge his own grandchild. This blatant disregard for family values is indicative of the type of leader Biden is. It is clear that his priorities lie elsewhere, and his actions speak volumes. Christmas is a time for love, forgiveness, and acceptance, and it is unfortunate that Biden has chosen to ignore those principles when it comes to his own family.

Written by Staff Reports

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