
Biden Sparks Confusion Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary With Misguided Remarks

On the eve of the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 attacks, President Joe Biden managed to spark a fresh wave of confusion with his choice of words. Surrounded by reporters outside the White House, Biden casually asserted that he would be “doing 9/11” the following day. It’s hard not to snicker at the sheer absurdity of the President’s statements—who knew that the leader of the free world could turn a day of solemn remembrance into an awkward family calendar moment?

Amidst his script of activities, which included attending his granddaughter’s birthday party and anxiously preparing to watch a debate, Biden seemed to skip over the gravity of September 11. His statements instead evoked an image of a slumber party with balloons instead of a tribute to the nearly 3,000 lives lost. While one might expect the President to focus on memorials and reflections, it appears his agenda leaned more towards cake and political posturing.

As expected, the internet wasted no time reacting to Biden’s gaffe. The phrase “doing 9/11” quickly found its way into social media, generating a wild buzz filled with snark and incredulity. Many took to X, formerly Twitter, to slap together the disjointed notion that this president might have forgotten—or perhaps just chosen to gloss over—the very significance of the day he was referencing. After all, with past conspiracy theories lingering in the air, it must be comforting for some to know that it’s no longer just Bush who’s seemingly caught in the crossfire of 9/11 banter.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had the dubious honor of being by the President’s side when he made his now-infamous remarks, likely contemplating the inevitable mess that would follow at the next press briefing. Her role has often resembled a seasoned diplomat trying to navigate through a minefield, and Biden’s comments didn’t exactly help her cause. The administration had previously announced plans to visit key sites connected to the tragedy, leaving many to wonder how they spun this latest blunder into something more palatable.

To put it lightly, Biden’s comments inadvertently resurrected the wacky conspiracy theories about previous administrations while he plowed through his schedule like a bull in a china shop. Here was the leader of the nation—zipping past a pivotal moment in American history with all the grace of a toddler at a steelworkers’ convention. It’s unclear if anyone in the White House has noted the irony of making light of such a grave day while simultaneously giving fans of conspiracy theories yet another random snippet to chew on. One can only hope that, in the future, Biden might consider a little more discretion when discussing a day that signifies national mourning.

Written by Staff Reports

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