
Biden Spins Tales on Trump’s Winning Immigration Plan!

Well, well, well, it looks like the Biden camp is up to their old tricks again, folks. According to reports, they’re out there spreading lies and fear-mongering about our beloved former President Donald Trump and his immigration policies. Can you believe it? It’s just pure nonsense!

The Biden campaign spokesman, Ammar Moussa, is out there spewing wild claims that if Trump is re-elected, we’ll see a “horrifying reality” of mass deportations, an end to birthright citizenship, and all sorts of other scary stuff. What a load of malarkey!

Let’s get one thing straight, folks – Trump’s immigration agenda is exactly what this country needs. We’re talking about deporting illegal aliens, ending birthright citizenship for their U.S.-born children, and increasing immigration detention space. Sounds like a dream come true, doesn’t it?

But the Biden camp doesn’t want you to know the truth. They want to keep these millions of fugitive illegal aliens living across the U.S. and not being deported. Can you believe that? It’s a disgrace!

According to reports, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is failing to deport about 99 percent of illegal aliens arriving in the U.S. That’s unacceptable! We need someone like Trump back in the White House to clean up this mess.

And let’s not forget about Biden’s DHS drastically cutting the number of illegal aliens being deported. What kind of message does that send? It’s a green light for more illegal immigration, folks. We can’t let this happen!

So, next time you hear the Biden camp trying to scare you with their wild tales, just remember – we need Trump back in the Oval Office to make America great again!

Written by Staff Reports

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