
Biden Staff Bailout: Team Members Bolt Over Israel Backing

It seems that the good ship Biden is springing some major leaks, as staff members are scurrying away in a frenzy, all because their dear leader decided to throw his support behind Israel in their noble quest to rid the world of the terrorist group Hamas. The leftists are in an uproar, and they’re now abandoning ol’ Joe faster than rats on a sinking ship.

These purported staff members, all 17 of them, penned an open letter to Biden, chastising him for not pushing for a so-called “cease fire” between Israel and those dastardly villains in Hamas. They publicly shamed their beloved leader, claiming that volunteers are quitting in droves and longtime blue voters are now unsure about supporting Biden because of this conflict.

The letter, posted on the website Medium and signed by the mysterious “17 Biden for President Staffers” (who conveniently forget to mention their own names), berated Biden for his support of the Jewish state. They preach about justice and empathy, but conveniently overlook the atrocities committed by Hamas, including murders, rapes, and torture.

Now, these staffers are demanding that Biden cease all military aid to Israel, investigate the country for supposed human rights violations, and magically end the conflict in the region. If these demands were more outlandish, they’d need a clown car to carry them all around.

And it’s not just these anonymous staffers; even high-level officials are bailing on Biden. Tariq Habash, a former special assistant at the Education Department, tossed in the towel, shaking the administration to its core.

To make matters worse, this isn’t the first time Biden’s Middle East policies have been attacked from within. A group of 400 supposed administration employees (again conveniently unnamed) signed a letter criticizing Biden’s stance on Israel. Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, the Biden administration is facing turmoil from within, and it doesn’t bode well for their prospects in the 2024 election.


Written by Staff Reports

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