
Biden Stumbles Again: Trump Proven More Articulate in Latest Study

A recent study conducted by WordFinder has found that former President Donald Trump has a better command of the English language than President Joe Biden. This study is sure to send the woke left over the bend! WordFinder analyzed speeches from various global leaders and ranked them based on their vocabulary and lexical diversity, which measures how many different words were used.

According to the study, Trump’s speeches had a lexical diversity of 26.8%, while Biden’s speeches had a lexical diversity of 25.8% – below average compared to other world leaders. The report also notes that Biden frequently fails to speak coherently, a fact that is hard to ignore given his age of 81.

On the other hand, Trump is known for his use of strong and affirmative language, often using words like “huge,” “great,” “massive,” and “bigly.” Though let’s not forget that “bigly” was a slip-up while trying to say “big league” during a speech.

But before the liberal crowd gets all worked up over Trump’s linguistic prowess, they should take a look at the man in the White House. Biden’s speeches are often littered with mumbling, malapropisms, and slurring. It’s quite entertaining, really.

The Washington Examiner’s report on the survey adds insult to injury by pointing out that while both Trump and Biden use the word “people” frequently, Biden has a special attachment to the word “president,” as if he needs to remind himself and others that he is indeed in charge. Ouch! That must sting a bit for the President.

When looking at the broader picture, Biden’s lexical diversity is not just worse than Trump’s, but worse than almost every other leader analyzed in the study. Even Elon Musk, who is known for his transformative work in technology and space exploration, displayed a lexical diversity of 22%. It seems Biden could take some lessons from Musk on word variance and consistent language use.

The study found that Belarusian human rights activist Ales Bialiatski ranked the highest, with a lexical diversity of 56.2%. Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, came in second with a diversity score of 46.4%. It’s interesting to note that the Dalai Lama frequently used the word “think” in his speeches.


Written by Staff Reports

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