
Biden Stumbles Late Into APEC Meeting: Chaos and Confusion Reigns!

Biden’s tardiness strikes again! After his awkward encounter with Mexico’s president, Biden decided to take his sweet time before showing up to the APEC meeting. World leaders were left waiting for 30 whole minutes, probably regretting their decision to attend this event in the first place.

And when he finally did make his grand entrance, it was clear that Biden was desperately trying to prove that he’s still full of energy and vitality. But let’s be real here, folks. We all know that’s not the case. I mean, have you seen him try to read notes? It’s like watching a dog attempt long division. It’s just painful. And what’s with the constant sucking on something? Is he trying to hide a cold or is there something more going on? We’ll never know because his medical records are as well-guarded as Fort Knox.

But hey, at least Biden brought some jokes to the table. Too bad they fell flat. Maybe because they were just dumb and self-defeating, like the whole idea of promoting women to positions of power solely for the sake of identity politics. Take Karine Jean-Pierre in the White House, for example. It’s pretty clear that merit had nothing to do with her hiring.

And let’s not forget the striking contrast between Biden and the Peruvian president. Despite being 61 years old, she looks like a spring chicken compared to Biden. This matters, folks. It’s no wonder that China’s Xi Jinping and even Gavin Newsom have been walking all over Biden. When a nation’s leader looks like he should be feeding birds on a park bench, it’s only natural for others to see him as weak and take advantage.

All in all, Biden’s malfunctioning and late arrival at the APEC meeting just further solidify the fact that he’s not fit for the job. But hey, at least we can count on him for some cringe-worthy moments and a good laugh.

Written by Staff Reports

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