
Biden Throwing More Cash, Hunting for a ‘Working’ COVID Vaccine!

Joe Biden announced on Friday that he plans to request more funding from Congress to develop a new COVID-19 vaccine “that works.” Well, Joe, maybe the last one didn’t work because people are still getting sick. But hey, let’s throw more money at it and hope for the best, right?

In typical Biden fashion, he also warned that everyone will be required to get this new vaccine, regardless of their previous vaccination status. Because apparently, the previous vaccines didn’t do the trick, so now everyone has to suffer the consequences. It’s like a never-ending cycle of incompetence.

And if that wasn’t enough, it looks like we might be heading back into full COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions. According to whistleblowers from the TSA and border patrol, the Biden administration is planning to reinstate mask mandates and implement lockdowns as early as mid-September. Because nothing says freedom like being forced to wear a mask and stay at home.

But hey, at least we can take solace in the fact that Morris Brown College and Lionsgate Studios have confirmed new COVID restrictions. Because what better way to solve a global pandemic than by restricting the activities of a college and a movie studio?

It’s just another day in Biden’s America, folks. More funding for vaccines that may or may not work, and more restrictions on our freedom. But don’t worry, they’ll tell us it’s all for our own good. Just like they always do.

Written by Staff Reports

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