
Biden Unhinged: Slams GOP with Wild Segregationist Slur!

Joe Biden was up to his usual antics, frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog, as he went on a tirade against the Republican Congress at a fundraiser. The president compared the GOP lawmakers to segregationists and racists from the past, claiming that they are even worse than the real racists he has served with in his many years as a senator. Can you believe this guy? Well, actually yes, because it’s just another day in the life of Sleepy Joe.

Now, the event where these verbal acrobatics took place was in San Francisco, where Biden was met with protesters demanding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. What’s missing from these fiery outbursts? Oh, just some video evidence. I mean, come on, we need to see Sleepy Joe delivering these reported haymakers on video because no one believes he could string together a coherent sentence without pauses or looks of bewilderment. The White House’s constant video cuts are like a bad horror movie – they’re clearly trying to cover up the fact that the old man can barely form a sentence.


And let’s not forget the Democratic Party’s claim to being the party of order – what a joke! Biden pointing fingers at the Republicans for being agents of chaos? Please, the Left caused the border crisis and inflation and got us into a mess in Ukraine. Their attempts at solving these crises have only made things worse. If they were doing such a great job, their own base wouldn’t be fleeing from them.

And as for the Republicans, sure, they’ve had their fair share of mess-ups, but to say they’re anti-democratic is just absurd. Biden, you’re the one seething with rage, trying to weaponize the Justice Department against your political rivals – now that’s anti-democratic. You also defied the Supreme Court and went ahead to forgive student loan debt, even though they said you couldn’t. Spare us the dementia-ridden lectures, old man.

But the best part of all of this is Katie’s response to Biden’s outrageous comments – exposing the hypocrisy of his own words. I mean, Biden gave the eulogy at Strom Thurmond’s funeral and spoke at the funeral of Robert Byrd, a former KKK member. So who’s really the one with a history of cozying up to racists here? Classic Joe.

In conclusion, Sleepy Joe needs a reality check, and fast. Maybe it’s time for a long nap… like a really long one.

Written by Staff Reports

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