
Biden vs Trump? Doom Looms for 80% Likely Voters, 2024 Forecast Shows

In the upcoming 2024 presidential election, it seems that no matter who becomes the candidate, the majority of likely voters believe that the country is “doomed.” A recent poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports found that more than eight out of 10 voters feel this way if the election is a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

It’s not surprising that opinions are divided along party lines. Two-thirds of Democrats believe that America is doomed if Biden is not reelected, while 61% of Republicans feel the same about Trump. Among independent voters, 45% believe the US is doomed if Trump doesn’t win, compared to 25% who feel the same about Biden.

This polling data shows that voters are pessimistic about the future of the country, regardless of who is in the White House. It also highlights the importance of winning over independent voters in the 2024 election. The candidate who can capture the largest percentage of independent voters will have a good chance of winning.

In addition, it’s worth noting that “not” votes are significant in every election. In 2016, there were millions of “Not-Hillary” votes, and in 2020, a substantial percentage of Biden voters were casting their votes against Trump. The question for 2024 is which candidate will benefit or be hurt by “not” votes. It’s hard to predict at this point.

Overall, this polling data shows that voters are disillusioned with the current political landscape. Both Biden and Trump have their baggage, and voters are tired of it. If the candidates and their supporters continue to ignore the concerns of independent voters, they may find themselves struggling to attract new supporters.

Written by Staff Reports

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