
Biden Wastes $230 Million on Failed Gaza Pier Despite Warnings, Republicans Outraged

A new report from the Inspector General has unveiled a truth that will hardly surprise anyone keeping tabs on the Biden administration’s repeated miscalculations. The report reveals that the president was given clear and direct warnings about the impracticalities of building a $230 million “humanitarian pier” in Gaza. Apparently, tough seas and logistical hurdles were not enough to dissuade the virtue-signaling commander-in-chief from pressing forward with this costly venture, which essentially turned out to be a floating monument to political performativity.

Before Biden’s high-profile announcement during the State of the Union address, discussions concerning the pier had already been scrutinized behind closed doors. It was suggested that establishing a maritime route for aid would be less effective than using land routes—an insight that was conveniently ignored in favor of scoring political points. According to insiders from the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), logistical nightmares were abundant, which rendered the whole maritime operation a bit of a fantasy. Despite these red flags, the Biden team forged ahead, determined to win some high-fives from the progressive left.

Adding insult to injury, the Gazans themselves were not on board with this pier idea. Unfazed by the community’s concerns, Biden still pushed for the project, which then raised the eyebrows of various stakeholders. Security risks were highlighted as potential showstoppers that might jeopardize any and all humanitarian efforts. Yet, anyone familiar with this administration knows that there’s nothing like a grand gesture to distract from falling poll numbers and to appease the progressive base.

The resulting action was a disaster that any half-wit could have predicted. The pier, which casually cost American taxpayers over $230 million, hastily fell apart after just 20 days in operation and managed to deliver a mere third of its intended cargo. In true Biden fashion, the operation was swiftly curtailed due to rough weather and high seas—but that didn’t stop terrorists like Hamas from pillaging what little aid made it ashore. This episode amplifies a classic military term: FUBAR, which sums up this maritime misadventure perfectly.

Republicans in Congress are not remaining silent as they probe the administration’s decision to forge ahead with this debacle. Congressman Michael Waltz has been particularly vocal, questioning why Biden and Vice President Harris risked the safety of American troops and squandered taxpayer dollars on such an ill-fated stunt. It seems that for Biden, appeasing the far-left while gliding past accountability is par for the course—even if it means turning American taxpayer money into a floating disaster that couldn’t weather even a minor squall.

Written by Staff Reports

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