
Biden White House Mislabels Statistics Overstating Guns as Top Child Killer

In a recent controversial move, the Biden White House boldly claimed that “guns are the number one killer of children.” But hold on to your hats, folks, because conservative watchdogs were quick to point out that this claim has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese!

Breitbart News, the trusty truth-seeker, dug deep and discovered that in order for President Biden’s statement to hold up, we’d have to start including 18- and 19-year-olds in the category of “children.” Last time they checked, those young adults can legally vote, drive, and probably even do their own taxes – so calling them children seems a bit of a stretch, kind of like trying to fit into your favorite jeans after Thanksgiving dinner.

FOX News chimed in with some hard-hitting facts, showing that when you focus on the true “children” ages of 0-17, motor vehicle deaths actually outpace firearm-related deaths. Yes, you heard that right – more kiddos are meeting their fate in car accidents than by accidental shooting mishaps. Buckle up, junior, it’s a wild ride out there.

But wait, there’s more! Breitbart did some serious number crunching and found out that unintentional motor vehicle deaths for both children and young adults aged 0-19 were a staggering 27 times higher than firearm-related accidents. That’s quite the statistical slam dunk for all the car keys jingling in your grandpa’s pocket.

AWR Hawkins, the sharpshooter of Second Amendment journalism, was all over this story like a hawk on a mouse. With his Ph.D. in Military History and a list of accolades longer than a Texas highway, Hawkins left no bullet unturned in calling out the White House’s questionable statistics. When he speaks, even the brass at the NRA stop and listen.

So next time you hear a bold claim about guns being the top child-killer, remember to check under the hood and kick those tires for yourself. Because in the wild world of politics, a little critical thinking goes a long way in separating the facts from the fancy footwork. And that’s the scoop, straight from the conservative spin cycle!

Written by Staff Reports

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