
Biden Won’t Pardon Hunter: Truth or Another White House Smoke Screen?

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre shut down any possibility of President Biden pardoning his son Hunter during a press briefing. Hunter is currently facing a tax case and a gun charge brought by federal prosecutors. The plea deal negotiated by Hunter’s lawyers with the Department of Justice fell apart on Wednesday, raising concerns about the immunity Hunter would receive.

The reporter from Fox News asked if there was a chance the president would intervene and pardon his son. Jean-Pierre firmly responded with a “no.” She quickly moved on, cutting off any follow-up questions. This was not the first time Jean-Pierre displayed her rudeness towards reporters. She seemed irritated and annoyed when asked about Joe Biden’s awareness of Hunter not paying his taxes. She refused to respond, treating the reporter like a misbehaving schoolboy.

Jean-Pierre consistently tries to undermine the legitimacy of David Weiss, the Trump-appointed prosecutor leading the investigation into Hunter. She implies that Weiss would show bias towards the Bidens due to his loyalty to Trump. However, Weiss has displayed favoritism towards Hunter, evidenced by the failed plea deal. Jean-Pierre laughably denies Hunter receiving special treatment from the DOJ, but her denial only raises more doubts about her credibility.

It’s hard to trust anything Jean-Pierre says when she denies overwhelming evidence. Can we believe her when she curtly denies the president would pardon his son? Maybe she knows something we don’t, or maybe she’s just dodging the question as she usually does. Even if Biden did tell her he won’t pardon Hunter, that could easily change if things continue to worsen. Perhaps Jean-Pierre believes Hunter won’t need a pardon because the Department of ‘Justice’ is already working to protect the Biden Crime Family.

Written by Staff Reports

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