
Bidenflation Bites as Turkey Prices Gobble Up Wallets

This Thanksgiving, as families gather around the dinner table, they’re not only stuffing themselves with turkey and mashed potatoes but also confronting the harsh reality of Bidenflation. This new term, coined to describe the soaring inflation rates under the Biden administration, is leaving Americans with a bitter taste in their mouths as they witness the exorbitant costs of their holiday feast.

Under President Joe Biden, food prices have skyrocketed, leaving hardworking Americans with empty wallets and stomachs growling for more affordable options. Poultry items, such as the beloved Thanksgiving turkey, have surged by nearly 30 percent, while potato prices have spiked by over 12 percent. Even simple dinner staples like rolls and butter have seen alarming price hikes, with dinner rolls up 27 percent from three years ago and butter rising a whopping 25 percent.

Despite this alarming inflation, the White House is shamelessly attempting to take credit for the supposed “lower” Thanksgiving food and travel prices this year. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre audaciously claimed that Americans have “a lot to be thankful for” amidst the inflation crisis, attributing it to the pandemic and Russia’s war. However, even those on the left are rejecting these outlandish claims, with The Wall Street Journal editorial board slamming Biden’s attempt to spin the inflation narrative in his favor.

A University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment survey mirrors the frustration felt by everyday Americans, as it found that most people believe inflation will persist due to the lasting impacts of Biden’s policies. This sentiment is reinforced by the Republican National Committee’s revelation that this year’s Thanksgiving dinner costs are the second-highest in the 38-year history of the survey. It’s clear that the Biden administration’s economic promises have fallen flat, leaving families across the country feeling the pinch of their policies at the dinner table.

As Americans carve into their overpriced turkey this Thanksgiving, they will undoubtedly remember the days when a holiday feast didn’t come with such a hefty price tag. The undeniable truth is that the hard-earned dollars of American families are being gobbled up by Biden’s runaway inflation, casting a shadow over what should be a joyous and festive holiday season.

Written by Staff Reports

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