
Bidenomics Bust: June Job Growth Tanks, Millions Still Jobless

The latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is in, and it’s not looking good for the so-called “Bidenomics” that we’ve been hearing so much about. In June, the United States added a measly 209,000 jobs, the smallest number since December 2020 when the economy was in a tailspin. Is this really the “building back better” that President Biden promised?

To make matters worse, it turns out that the previous jobs reports released by the BLS were nothing more than smoke and mirrors. April’s report has been revised down by a whopping 77,000 jobs, and May’s number has been reduced by 33,000. That’s a total of 110,000 jobs that were falsely celebrated by Biden and his Democrat cohorts.

But it’s not just June’s lackluster numbers that have us worried. The first six months of 2023 have seen a significant slowdown in job growth. The monthly average increase for this year is only 278,000, compared to 399,000 in 2022. That’s a clear sign that Biden’s policies are failing to stimulate the economy as promised.

When we take a closer look at the sectors that did see some growth in June, it’s clear that the government and healthcare industries are the ones benefiting the most. Government jobs increased by a suspiciously high 60,000, while healthcare saw a gain of 41,000 jobs. It seems like Biden is using taxpayer dollars to prop up his own agenda, rather than focusing on private sector growth.

Meanwhile, the retail trade sector took a hit with a decline of 11,000 jobs. This shows that consumers may be losing confidence in the economy under Biden’s leadership. Furthermore, the transportation and warehousing industry also suffered a loss of 7,000 jobs, indicating potential supply chain issues that can harm our economy in the long run.

But perhaps the most alarming statistic is the fact that six million Americans are still out of work. Despite Biden’s promises to create jobs, there are still millions of hardworking Americans struggling to find employment. Additionally, the labor force participation rate sits at a dismal 62.6 percent, meaning many Americans have given up searching for work altogether.

To add insult to injury, there are 452,000 people who are employed only part-time due to “slack work or business conditions” and are desperately seeking full-time employment. And let’s not forget the 5.4 million Americans who want a job but have been forced out of the labor force entirely. Biden’s failure to address these issues shows a lack of true leadership and a disregard for the well-being of hardworking Americans.

In conclusion, Biden’s “Bidenomics” isn’t living up to the hype. June’s job growth was abysmal, and the revised numbers tell a story of false promises and failed policies. It’s time for Americans to wake up and demand real solutions that will get our economy back on track. We need conservative leadership that understands the importance of free markets and limited government interference. Only then can we truly restore the prosperity that Biden’s administration is failing to deliver.

Written by Staff Reports

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