
Bidenomics Disaster: Inflation Hits 3.4%, Wallets Weep, Pigs Don’t Fly

Inflation, or as some would call it, the “Bidenomics disaster,” hit a whopping 3.4% in December. That’s right, folks, inflation is climbing faster than Joe Biden can climb up an airplane stairway without faceplanting. This just goes to show that Biden’s economic policies have about as much chance of success as Kamala Harris has of being relatable. And with these skyrocketing inflation rates, you can kiss any hopes of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates goodbye.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose by 0.3% in December. It seems like every month, the numbers keep climbing higher and higher, just like the national debt under Biden. This is not a good sign for our economy, folks. We need some serious fiscal discipline in Washington, but with the current crop of politicians, that seems about as likely as Nancy Pelosi giving up her ice cream stash.

Shelter prices, in particular, have been on the rise, accounting for more than half of the overall monthly increase. Looks like Biden’s plan to build back better means building back more expensive. And let’s not forget about energy costs, which rose by 0.4% in December. It’s almost as if Biden wants us all to go bankrupt with his energy policies that favor windmills over good old American fossil fuels.

But wait, there’s more! The food index also saw a 0.2% increase in December, as did the month before. We can thank the “$15/hour” movement for that one. When businesses have to pay their employees more, they pass on the costs to the rest of us hardworking Americans. Thanks, Biden. I could really use a few extra cents on my grocery bill.

Now, let’s talk about the real kicker here. The all items index has risen by a staggering 3.4% over the past 12 months. That’s the highest it’s been since 2011. Guess what else? Rent has gone up by 6.2% and auto insurance by a whopping 20.3%. At this rate, pretty soon, we’ll have to work two jobs just to afford a loaf of bread. But don’t worry, folks, the Biden administration assures us that food costs will magically go down next year. Yeah, right. And pigs will fly.

Oh, and just to add insult to injury, real wages remain stagnant. So while prices keep going up, our paychecks stay the same. It’s almost as if someone up there in Washington doesn’t actually care about hardworking Americans. But what do I know? I’m just a conservative news writer trying to make sense of this economic madness.

In conclusion, folks, Bidenomics is a disaster. Inflation is running rampant, prices are skyrocketing, and our wallets are feeling the squeeze. We need leadership that understands the importance of fiscal responsibility, not empty promises and grandiose spending plans. It’s time to wake up, America, before we find ourselves buried under a mountain of debt and empty pockets.

Written by Staff Reports

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