
Bidenomics Leaves 62% of Americans Scrambling for Holiday Cash!

A recent study by LendingClub revealed that a whopping 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck during the holiday season in President Joe Biden’s America. This is quite concerning, as it suggests that the so-called “Bidenomics” has failed to provide any real help to average Americans. It comes as no surprise then, that according to polling, only 14% of voters believe Biden’s economic policies have actually benefited them, while a whopping 85% believe they have either hurt them or made no difference at all.

The LendingClub study also found some other alarming statistics. In December, 62% of adults reported that they are living paycheck to paycheck, which is an increase from the 58% reported in March. What’s even more surprising is that 40% of the consumers who are struggling to make ends meet have super-prime credit scores, indicating that even those who are financially responsible are struggling in Biden’s economy. Additionally, 57% of consumers who own credit cards are also living paycheck to paycheck, showing that the burden of financial instability is widespread.

As Americans try to celebrate Christmas in Biden’s economy, they are faced with the reality of overspending and accumulating credit card debt. According to a survey by TD Bank, a staggering 96% of shoppers expect to overspend this holiday season. Furthermore, half of consumers are planning to take on more debt to cover their holiday expenses, with only 23% having a plan to pay it off within one to two months. This paints a grim picture of the financial situation many Americans find themselves in under Biden’s leadership.

Notably, a recent Wall Street Journal poll revealed that a plurality of Americans believe that it was former President Donald Trump’s economic policies, not Biden’s, that personally benefited them. Forty-nine percent of voters stated that Trump’s policies were beneficial to them, while only 23% said the same for Biden’s policies. These numbers speak volumes about the dissatisfaction many Americans feel towards Biden and his economic agenda.

In the end, it seems that Biden’s economic policies have done little to alleviate the financial struggles of everyday Americans. The numbers don’t lie, and the majority of Americans are left living paycheck to paycheck, with little hope for improvement. It’s clear that Biden’s promises of economic prosperity and relief have fallen flat, leaving Americans to suffer the consequences of his failed policies.

Written by Staff Reports

Biden Bust: 62% Live Paycheck to Paycheck Under Crushing Economy

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