
Bidenomics Turns Big Mac Meal into Luxury for 80 Percent of Americans

In the current America under President Joe Biden, getting that classic “Big Mac meal” has turned into a luxury for nearly 80 percent of Americans, a new survey reveals. The survey conducted by LendingTree found that due to the increasing costs of fast food, 78 percent of consumers now view it as a luxury purchase. This shift in perception comes as prices for fast food meals have been on the rise, with 62 percent of respondents admitting they are cutting back on their fast food consumption because of the higher costs.

It’s no surprise that Americans are feeling the pinch when even a trip to a fast-food joint is breaking the budget. The survey highlighted that 63 percent of people believe fast food should be cheaper than eating at home, but a whopping 75 percent said it’s no longer the case. With prices at fast-food restaurants skyrocketing and even on par with sit-down dining establishments, it’s no wonder why many Americans are starting to view grabbing a quick burger as a luxury item.

The survey also pointed out that certain groups are feeling the impact more than others. Those making less than $30,000 a year, parents with young children, Gen Zers, and women are among the most affected, with over half of them viewing fast food as a luxury due to financial struggles. Additionally, concerns about surge pricing and tipping at fast-food places are leaving a sour taste in consumers’ mouths, with many feeling pressured to pay more than they anticipated.

As conservative republicans, it is concerning to see how Bidenomics is hitting everyday Americans in their wallets, even when it comes to grabbing a meal on the go. With prices at fast-food chains rising faster than inflation and basic items seeing significant price hikes, it is clear that hardworking families are feeling the pinch. While average Americans are struggling to make ends meet, the Biden administration seems more focused on political trials and distractions rather than addressing the economic challenges facing the country. It’s time for policies that prioritize economic stability and affordability for all Americans, not just the wealthy elites.

Written by Staff Reports

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