
Biden’s $169M Scheme: Propping Up Electric Heat Pumps, Killing Natural Gas Industry

Heating industry experts are sounding the alarm as President Joe Biden flexes his executive muscle by using the Defense Production Act to give taxpayer money to electric heat pump manufacturers. This unfair move allows electric heat pumps to outcompete natural gas and propane-powered residential heating systems. Can you believe it? Biden is taking money from hardworking Americans and giving it to his buddies in the electric heat pump industry.

According to Fox News, the Biden Administration will be dishing out a whopping $169 million to accelerate the production of electric heat pumps. They’re touting it as a “historic” move, but all it really is is a blatant attempt to push his radical climate change agenda. They’re even trying to sell it as a matter of national security. Give me a break! Our national security is not threatened by residential heating systems.

But of course, the Biden team has their lackeys ready to parrot their talking points. John Podesta, Biden’s so-called clean energy czar, gushed about how this move showed Biden’s commitment to treating climate change like the crisis they claim it is. Spare me the melodrama. This is just another attempt by the left to exert control over our lives and redirect our hard-earned money towards their pet projects.

Senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Ben Lieberman, hit the nail on the head when he called this move “shameful corporate welfare.” Why should the government be picking winners and losers in the energy industry? Let consumers decide for themselves what type of heating system they want in their homes. The government should not be tilting the playing field in favor of one energy source over another just because it aligns with their radical environmental agenda.

Even the American Gas Association is disappointed in this misuse of the Defense Production Act. They rightly point out that increased use of natural gas has led to significant reductions in CO2 emissions. But instead of recognizing the benefits of natural gas and supporting an industry that has been a champion for emissions reductions, the Biden administration is undermining them.

The National Association of Home Builders is also speaking out against Biden’s misuse of the Defense Production Act. They argue that the purpose of the act is to protect the American people, not to advance a political agenda. And they’re absolutely right. Biden should be focused on addressing the real issues in our country, like the shortage of distribution transformers that are hindering the construction of affordable housing and impeding disaster recovery efforts.

It’s clear that Biden’s actions are driven by ideology, not practicality. He’s more interested in pushing his radical climate change agenda than in actually helping hardworking American families. It’s time for conservatives to stand up and fight back against this overreach of government power. We must protect our energy choices and reject the left’s attempts to control every aspect of our lives.

Written by Staff Reports

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