
Biden’s $60K Slap to Fallen Marine’s Family: Shocking Pentagon Policy Exposed

In a tragic and unjust turn of events, the family of Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee find themselves saddled with a massive $60,000 bill to transport their beloved daughter’s body from California to Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. This heart-wrenching expense is a direct result of President Joe Biden’s disastrous Pentagon policy change, which has left grieving families on their own to bear the financial burden of honoring their fallen heroes.

The Gee family, shattered by the loss of their Marine daughter during Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, was already grappling with unimaginable grief. However, their pain was compounded when they learned that the Department of Defense had callously placed a hefty financial burden on their shoulders. And let’s not forget who signed off on this appalling amendment to last year’s National Defense Authorization Act, granting the Defense Department the option to refuse payment for transporting fallen service members. That’s right, the blame falls squarely on President Biden’s administration.

Republican Representative Cory Mills of Florida, a true champion for our military, expressed his righteous anger at the injustice faced by the Gee family. He rightfully pointed out that it is the duty of the Department of Defense to shoulder the financial responsibility for the transportation of our fallen heroes. After all, these brave men and women sacrificed their lives in service to our great nation, and the least we can do is provide them with a proper farewell, free from the crushing burden of financial strain.

In an unacceptable display of disregard for our servicemen and women, the Biden Administration has chosen to turn its back on the very individuals who put their lives on the line to protect the United States. While they happily fund woke drag shows, aimed at indoctrinating our innocent children, they refuse to extend a helping hand to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. It’s a stark reminder of the twisted priorities of the liberal left, who prioritize virtue signaling and radical ideologies over the well-being and honoring of our military heroes.

In response to this devastating situation, the Gee family has been forced to set up a GoFundMe page to alleviate the financial burden placed upon them by the Biden Administration. It is a testament to their strength and resilience that, amidst their own grief, they are still willing to help the 18 other service members affected by the tragic bombing in Afghanistan. The generosity of the American people in these difficult times is truly heartwarming, but it should never have come to this. Our fallen heroes should be accorded the utmost respect and honor without their families having to beg for assistance.

As conservatives, we must not let this grave injustice go unaddressed. We must hold President Biden and his administration accountable for their callous actions. It is high time that we prioritize the well-being of our military and their families, providing them with the support and care they so rightly deserve. May Sgt. Nicole L. Gee’s sacrifice serve as a poignant reminder of the price paid by our brave men and women, and may we never forget the debt we owe them.

Written by Staff Reports

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