
Biden’s Age Bomb Ticks as Trump Takes Lead! Dems In Disarray

In the latest political drama, the Democrats find themselves in a pickle, and not the delicious kind. President Joe Biden’s age has become a hot topic, and let’s just say, it’s not because he’s turning 21 again. At a ripe 81 years old, Uncle Joe is making some Democrats nervous about his ability to run for re-election in 2024.

Even though Biden’s doctors say he’s A-okay, his little stumbles and bumbles have left many in his own party wondering if he’s still fit for the White House. And would you believe it, former President Donald Trump is leading the polls in key battleground states against old Joe. That’s right, Trump is ahead of the game, and the Democrats are not amused.

But wait, it gets better! There’s talk of Rep. Dean Phillips from Minnesota challenging Biden in the primary. Phew, talk about a long shot. And if other hopefuls want to throw their hats in the ring, they better start sprinting because deadlines for states like South Carolina, Georgia, and Nevada have already come and gone. The clock’s ticking, folks.

So, what about Vice President Kamala Harris? She’s been singing Biden’s praises and saying he’s a shoo-in for the next election. But before she starts measuring the drapes in the Oval Office, she might want to check her own stats. Recent polls show her popularity is about as high as a limbo stick at a turtle convention. Yikes!

Some Democrats are even saying that Biden should call it quits on the whole re-election thing. It sounds like they’re not too keen on sticking with ol’ Joe. But hold the phone, because even if they managed to find another contender, it doesn’t look like it would make much of a difference. Trump is still coming out on top in the polls.

Despite all the doubts and second-guessing, it seems like most Democrats are still on Team Biden. The man himself is leading the pack in the primaries, leaving his challengers in the dust. So, it looks like the Democrats might be stuck with good ol’ Joe for better or for worse. Let the political games continue!

Written by Staff Reports

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