
Biden’s Aides Go Into Hiding Mode: Is a “Weekend at Bernie’s” Strategy in Play?

The Wall Street Journal has unleashed a scoop worthy of any political thriller: it appears that Joe Biden has become such a liability due to his apparent mental decline that his aides have decided to keep him under wraps, like a ghost in the White House. It’s an astonishing revelation that paints a surreal picture of the leader of the free world being carefully managed, as if he were a malfunctioning robot in a ‘biden-ocentric’ episode of “Parks and Recreation.”

According to sources—probably expressing their frustrations from a shadowy corner of the West Wing—Biden’s aides have taken it upon themselves to isolate him from public view. This isn’t an avant-garde PR strategy; it’s more akin to hiding the office coffee machine after a few too many rounds of “who really needs sleep?” Perhaps they believe that the less Americans see of Biden, the better. A geriatric version of “Weekend at Bernie’s,” anyone?

One must wonder if this secretive approach is designed to spare the country from a constant barrage of verbal gaffes and incoherencies that have come to characterize the Biden presidency. If the aides’ job description includes preventing the boss from wandering off mid-sentence and launching a monologue about a long-lost dog or the glory days of the Senate, they are certainly earning their keep. 


Biden’s decline is not just a matter of curiosity but a serious concern, especially when considering that he is the individual in charge of a nuclear arsenal and foreign policy. The people running things behind the scenes may be treating this as a tightrope walk over a pit of alligators rather than an illuminated corridor leading to progress and prosperity. It’s an ironic twist for a party that prides itself on being the face of youthful energy.

Voters are left to ponder: if Biden can’t handle the pressures of public life, should he continue to hold the highest office in the nation? This media revelation is not just a simple case of a bad haircut—it’s a wake-up call, a headline that echoes in the halls of power and at kitchen tables across America. The spectacle raises the question: what’s next? Will Biden start taking calls from a well-trained parrot or a wisecracking cat? Presumably, he’d get more coherent advice.

Written by Staff Reports

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