
Biden’s Air Force Two Scandal: Comer & Donalds Demand Truth on Sketchy Family Flights!

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Rep. Byron Donalds are on a mission to uncover the truth behind the Biden family’s alleged misuse of Air Force Two. In a bold move, they are demanding access to then-Vice President Biden’s travel records from Archivist of the United States Colleen Shogan. And let me tell you, folks, they have some serious concerns.

These fine gentlemen are worried about then-Vice President Biden’s involvement in his family’s sketchy foreign business ventures. They suspect that not only did he use his position to enrich his family, but he might have even used Air Force Two to jet-set around the world and promote the Biden “brand.” Now, that’s some shady business right there.

According to reports, Hunter Biden, the infamous black sheep of the Biden clan, traveled to a whopping 15 countries with his dear old dad. But that’s not all, folks. The Oversight Committee has also discovered that then-Vice President Biden had a questionable meetup with one of Hunter’s associates in Beijing during an official trip. Suspicious much?

To get to the bottom of this rabbit hole, Comer and Donalds are demanding all the juicy details from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). They want the goods on Biden’s foreign travels, especially any instances where he hopped on Air Force Two with his family in tow. This, my friends, is a classic case of the President abusing his power and wasting taxpayer money for personal gain.

But here’s the kicker, folks. Comer and Donalds are not stopping there. They want unrestricted access under the Presidential Records Act (PRA) to any and all records related to Biden’s questionable use of Air Force Two and Marine Two. They argue that these flights were nothing more than a means to give the Biden family access to lucrative business deals. And they’re not wrong, folks. Just ask Devon Archer, a longtime Biden family crony, who has openly stated that Joe Biden was definitely involved in his son’s foreign dealings. It’s time for the truth to come out!

So, with a deadline looming, Comer and Donalds have laid out their demands. They want all documents and communications pertaining to the Biden family’s Air Force Two adventures. They also want the manifests that reveal who was tagging along on these luxurious flights. And let’s not forget about any incidents or security breaches that might have occurred during these high-flying escapades.

It’s refreshing to see lawmakers like Comer and Donalds taking a stand and demanding transparency. The American people have a right to know if their elected officials are using taxpayer-funded resources for personal gain. Let’s hope their efforts yield the answers we’re all waiting for. Keep fighting the good fight, gentlemen!

Written by Staff Reports

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