
Biden’s Alias Email Scandal Explodes: 731 Hidden Files Found!

In a shocking turn of events, the National Archives has unearthed a whopping 731 electronic files that could be crucial to investigating former Vice President Joe Biden’s use of sneaky alias email accounts. This revelation, brought to the surface thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the Heritage Foundation, raises serious concerns about Biden’s transparency and conduct during his time as vice president.

The FOIA request, lodged back in October and initially reported by the Daily Signal, was a bold move to get access to records relating to the creation and use of Biden’s undercover emails and related policy documents. The request honed in on email aliases like ‘Robin Ware’, ‘JRB Ware’, and ‘Robert L. Peters’, which were all utilized during Biden’s vice-presidential stint.

The National Archives has confirmed the existence of these files, which are now poised to undergo a thorough scrutiny process. This bombshell comes at a time when the Biden administration is already under intense scrunity for a multitude of reasons. The uncovered documents could provide vital insights into Biden’s communication practices and whether they adhered to the legal and ethical standards expected of someone in his high-ranking position.

Earlier this month, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) dropped a bombshell accusation by claiming that the Biden administration is stonewalling the House’s impeachment probe by withholding a staggering 99.98 percent of emails sent by Biden, including thousands penned under aliases. These emails, currently safely in the clutches of the National Archives, are crucial to the impeachment inquiry into President Biden. According to Comer’s office, the aliases were used for business discussions and to share government information with Hunter Biden and two cronies, Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer.

Adding fuel to the fire, the Southeastern Legal Foundation slapped a lawsuit on the table, demanding that the National Archives release approximately 5,400 emails. Comer is leaving no stone unturned and has urged the National Archives to cough up all communications in which then-Vice President Joe Biden used any of the three pseudonyms.

“Joe Biden has stated there was ‘an absolute wall’ between his family’s foreign business schemes and his duties as Vice President, but evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family’s influence peddling,” Comer asserted in a blistering statement back in August. “The National Archives must provide these un-redacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption.”

The revelations just keep coming, folks. In August, it was brought to light that Joe Biden was making extensive use of secretive alias accounts to forward governmental information and discuss business with his family. The bombshell announcement by The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) about the 5,400 emails linked to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s aliases was a serious eye-opener prompted by a lawsuit from the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which is fighting tooth and nail to force NARA to hand over this goldmine of material.

The National Archives’ unearthing of these files stands as a testament to the sheer might of a FOIA. As these files are meticulously combed through and processed, they could potentially shine a bright light on the inner machinations of the Biden vice presidency, unearthing even more jaw-dropping discoveries about the Biden family.

Written by Staff Reports

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