
Biden’s Alias Email Scandal: What Is He Hiding?

In a shocking revelation, House Oversight Committee Chair, James Comer (R-KY), has accused the Biden Administration of obstructing the House’s impeachment probe. What’s the reason? Well, it seems that the Biden Administration is withholding a whopping 99.98 percent of emails sent by President Biden himself. That’s almost like holding back 99.98 percent of the chocolate chips from your favorite cookie recipe. Who does that?

But wait, it gets even juicier. These emails weren’t just any old boring correspondence. No, no. They were chock-full of scandalous information, including thousands of messages written under aliases. Yes, you heard that right. President Biden was apparently going by the names of “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware.” Talk about a secret identity! It’s like he was trying to be a superhero of corruption or something.

Now, why would the President of the United States need to use fake names in his emails? Well, according to Comer’s office, these aliases were used to discuss business and share government information with none other than Hunter Biden and his two buddies, Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer. The plot thickens! It’s like a real-life soap opera playing out in the White House.

In an effort to shed light on this scandalous affair, the Southeastern Legal Foundation has filed a lawsuit demanding that the National Archives release around 5,400 emails. And let me tell you, Comer isn’t backing down either. He has requested that the National Archives hand over all communications where then-Vice President Joe Biden used any of the three pseudonyms. He’s not leaving any scandalous stone unturned!

Despite all of these demands, the Biden White House has only cleared a measly 14 pages of emails. Can you believe it? It’s like they’re playing hide-and-seek with the truth. Comer is not impressed. He believes that the lack of transparency from Biden’s so-called “most transparent administration in history” is nothing short of obstruction. And you know what? He’s got a point.

It’s time for Congress to step up and get to the bottom of this Biden family corruption. The House Oversight Committee will do whatever it takes to obtain the necessary records for their investigation. The American people deserve to know the truth, and Comer is here to make sure they get it. It’s about time someone took a stand against this swampy behavior in Washington.

Written by Staff Reports

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