
Biden’s America: NYC Streets Overrun with Public Drug Use!

Democrats in New York have turned the city's streets into a dystopian wasteland, as evidenced by the sight of drug addicts roaming the streets with needles in their arms. A report by the New York Post showed a man injecting drugs in the city, which is a grim reminder of how bad things have become under the liberal agenda.

The Democratic Party was quickly criticized on social media. Many users pointed fingers at the organization and its policies, with one person calling them Marxists. It’s clear that their policies have contributed to the decline of the city.

In addition to exacerbating the issue, some groups are also contributing to the problem by providing clean needles to drug users. While these organizations claim that their goal is to reduce the use of illicit drugs, the reality is that it only fuels the use of these substances. Pamela Flamini, a restaurant cashier, noted that her establishment has been robbed multiple times by drug addicts.

It's outrageous that the city's taxpayers are funding these groups, which are known to contribute to the alarming rise of crime and drug addiction. Since 2018, Housing Works has received over $80 million in taxpayer funds. It's time for the city's residents to ask why their hard-earned money is being exploited to support these organizations.

The city's failure to address the issue of drug use also contributes to the crisis. In response to the decriminalization of the possession of needles, the police department of New York City has allowed drug users to shoot up in the streets. This dangerous practice is putting the lives of citizens at risk.

New York City recently sanctioned shooting galleries, which are places where drug users can openly use illicit substances. This plan was previously opposed by both Andrew Cuomo and Donald Trump.

In addition to the crisis, the lack of effective immigration policies has also contributed to the rise of illegal immigration in Manhattan. The mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, has designated several migrant hotels as safe zones, which have become magnets for illegal activities. It's clear that Joe Biden's policies are contributing to the issues in our cities.

It's clear the situation in New York is dire, and the far-left policies of the Democrats in power have no solutions. We must restore order and law and order in our cities and take back our neighborhoods from these liberal policies. The very safety and well-being of our communities depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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