
Biden’s America: Record-Breaking US Homelessness, Families Hit Hardest

Under Joe Biden's presidency, American families have faced significant challenges, grappling with surging inflation and uncontrolled illegal immigration. A report from the Department of Housing and Urban Development reveals that homelessness in the United States has reached a record high, experiencing a 12 percent increase this year. The most notable surge is observed among families with children, rising by 15.5 percent, and unaccompanied youths experiencing a 15.3 percent increase. This 12 percent spike affects around 653,100 people on a single night, marking the largest increase since the federal government began tracking these statistics in 2007. Unfortunately, this rise in family homelessness reverses the declining trend that started in 2012.

Researcher Dennis Culhane, an homelessness expert from the University of Pennsylvania, attributes this unprecedented surge to uncontrolled illegal immigration. While acknowledging that there might have been some increase even without the migrant crisis, Culhane insists that the real story behind the rise in homelessness is the migrant crisis. The influx of illegal aliens has overwhelmed homeless shelters and housing programs, diverting resources away from American citizens in need.

Numerous factors contribute to the record levels of homelessness, including a shortage of affordable housing and the high cost of living. Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, teetering on the edge of homelessness with the slightest crisis. Despite this dire situation, taxpayer-funded resources are redirected to accommodate illegal aliens, aggravating the plight of hundreds of thousands of Americans, including families with children, left to sleep on the streets while their tax dollars support those who shouldn't be in the country.

Under Joe Biden's presidency, concerns about unvetted waves of migrants turning America into a crime-infested dumping ground have risen. This situation not only jeopardizes public safety but also strains taxpayer resources. Cities under Democratic leadership have become hubs of homelessness, drug use, and rampant crime.

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Written by Staff Reports

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