
Biden’s Approval Nosedives: Is America Waking Up?

President Joe Biden’s soaring disapproval rating has conservatives popping the champagne. The latest polls show that 56% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s performance, which is the highest disapproval rating he has ever received. It looks like the American people are finally waking up from the Biden-induced slumber.

To make matters worse for Biden, a whopping 72% of Americans are dissatisfied with the state of the economy under his administration. It’s no surprise considering his reckless spending and socialist policies. Americans are feeling the pinch, and they’re rightfully pointing their fingers at Sleepy Joe.

Even among Biden’s once-loyal supporters, cracks are starting to appear. The poll revealed that younger voters, Latinos, and independents are jumping off the Biden bandwagon at an alarming rate. Only 46% of the youngest demographic approved of Biden, while the numbers were even lower among Latinos and independents. It seems like Biden’s policies are failing to resonate with the very groups he claimed to champion.

But wait, it gets even better. Biden’s approval with Black voters has plummeted a staggering 17 points since he took office. This is a clear sign that his promises of racial justice and equality were nothing but empty words. It’s no wonder the African American community is turning their backs on him.

And let’s not forget about the elephant in the room—a whopping 74% of Americans are seriously concerned about Biden’s age. At 80 years old, he’s already the oldest serving president in history. If he were to serve a second term, he would be a staggering 86 years old. Frankly, the thought of a President Biden leading the country in his golden years is downright frightening.

In a hypothetical matchup between Biden and former President Donald Trump, the two are tied at 46%. But when third-party candidates are added into the mix, Trump inches ahead at 39% against Biden’s measly 36%. It’s clear that Americans are still missing the strong, America-first leadership that Trump provided.

But hold your horses! There’s more than just Trump on the horizon. GOP frontrunner Ron DeSantis is hot on Biden’s heels, trailing just one point behind. It’s a sure sign that Americans are looking for a fresh face with real conservative values. And former governor Nikki Haley is also making waves, leading Biden by five points in the poll. Sure, some may argue that her support among GOP voters is generally low, but polls have been wrong before. Maybe it’s time to give Haley a chance to shine.

The GOP needs to pay attention to these polls and seize the opportunity to offer American voters a better alternative. With the cloud of legal troubles hanging over Trump, supporting a corrupt, dementia-ridden president or an incarcerated one should not be our only choices. We can do better, America. Let’s choose leadership that truly represents the values and interests of the American people.


Written by Staff Reports

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