
Biden’s ATF Crushes Gun Dealers: Second Amendment Under Siege!

The Biden administration is on a roll when it comes to stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights. A recent report from The Wall Street Journal highlights how the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has been revoking gun licenses from firearms dealers at a record pace over the past two years.

Under the Biden administration, the ATF revoked the licenses of 122 gun dealers in the last fiscal year, compared to just 90 under Trump and 27 under Obama. This is an alarming increase that should concern every law-abiding gun owner in America.

But don’t worry, the ATF says they issued warnings to these dealers before taking away their licenses. How generous of them. It’s almost like they’re giving these hardworking business owners a chance to comply with the ever-growing list of regulations and hoops they have to jump through just to stay in business. But heaven forbid anyone actually exercise their rights without government interference!

One gun shop owner who lost his license last year, Anthony Navarro, spoke out about the devastating impact this policy has had on his livelihood. “We were making $1 million a year, now it’s less than $100,000,” he said. “This policy is designed to be a backdoor violation of the Second Amendment.” And he’s absolutely right.

The ATF claims that they need to crack down on gun dealers to prevent gun trafficking. But why punish the law-abiding business owners who are actually helping to prevent crime? These dealers have been the ATF’s “first line of defense” for years, but now they’re being beaten into submission by their supposed ally.

It’s clear that the Biden administration is targeting not just big gun sellers, but the little guys too. 82-year-old Leslie Gifford, who sold firearms out of his garage, had his license pulled. This is a blatant attack on the small business owners who have been a cornerstone of American communities for generations. But hey, who needs mom and pop gun shops when the government can just control everything?

This is just the latest assault on the Second Amendment by the Biden administration. Earlier this year, they targeted pistol stabilizing braces, a device that allows for one-handed firing of a pistol. The Biden administration reclassified pistols with braces as “short-barreled rifles,” requiring them to be registered with the federal government. This is a clear violation of our rights and a dangerous precedent to set.

It’s time for Americans to stand up and fight back against these anti-gun policies. Our Constitutionally protected rights are being trampled on by an administration that is more interested in appeasing the far-left than upholding the principles that our nation was founded on. Gun owners, conservatives, and all Americans who value freedom must come together to defend our Second Amendment rights before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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