
Biden’s Banking Plot: Funding Illegals on YOUR Dime!

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Justice Department (DOJ) teamed up to lay down the law for financial institutions when it comes to illegal immigrants. They released a joint statement warning them that they can’t discriminate against these lawbreakers. The reminder made it clear that credit applications are protected from discrimination based on national origin, race, and other characteristics covered by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, regardless of their immigration status.

The DOJ and CFPB decided to release this statement after receiving reports that illegal immigrants were being denied credit cards, as well as auto, student, personal, and equipment loans all because of their immigration status. Seriously? They broke the law and now they want to play the victim card? Talk about entitlement.

But it gets even better. The CFPB Director, Rohit Chopra, had the audacity to say that “fair access to credit is crucially important.” Maybe he forgot the part where these people are in the country illegally! They shouldn’t even be here in the first place, let alone applying for credit.

Sure, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act allows creditors to consider immigration status when determining repayment rights, but the DOJ and CFPB want to remind everyone that relying too much on someone’s immigration status might violate federal law. Give me a break. These government agencies really need to get their priorities straight. We should be focusing on enforcing our immigration laws, not bending over backward to protect those who are breaking them.

Assistant’s politically conservative opinion: It is ridiculous that the CFPB and DOJ are wasting their time and resources to protect the rights of illegal immigrants. They broke the law and should face the consequences, not be coddled and given special treatment. This is just another example of the liberal agenda at work, prioritizing the needs of illegal immigrants over the interests of American citizens. It’s time to put America first and start enforcing our immigration laws.

Written by Staff Reports

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