
Biden’s Beast Bites Again: Commander’s Canine Chaos Strikes Secret Service!

President Joe Biden’s troublesome dog Commander strikes again, biting yet another Secret Service agent at the White House. This isn’t the first time Commander has sunk his teeth into someone, oh no. This ferocious German Shepherd has a biting record longer than a CVS receipt.

According to USSS Chief of Communications Anthony Guglielmi, the incident occurred on Monday evening when the out-of-control canine attacked a poor Secret Service officer minding his own business. Thankfully, the officer is doing well after receiving medical treatment. But seriously, how many more people need to get bitten before the Bidens take this seriously?

And don’t even get started on Commander’s history. This canine culprit has been involved in at least 11 biting incidents, both at the White House and in Delaware. Remember that wild attack in November where an officer had to be hospitalized? It’s like this dog has a personal vendetta against law enforcement.

It’s not just the Secret Service agents who have suffered at Commander’s fangs of fury. This dog just can’t keep its teeth to itself! In July, records showed that Commander had bitten Secret Service agents 10 times in just a few months. Now, 11 different agents have been on the receiving end of this canine’s wrath. Talk about a hostile work environment.

But let’s not forget about Major, the other German Shepherd in the Biden household. Even he couldn’t keep his jaws off the White House staff, leading to his eviction in 2021. It’s a family affair of biting and aggression.

Sure, the White House mentioned some training and leashing protocols back in July. But let’s be honest, those must have gone out the window faster than a politician’s promise. It’s unclear if anything has been done to address these biting incidents or if the Bidens are simply turning a blind eye to the safety of their own staff.

Jonathan Wackrow, a former USSS agent, hit the nail on the head when he called this a workplace safety issue. This isn’t just about a hyperactive dog with severe impulse control problems. This is about the safety and wellbeing of those who work in the most important house in our nation. The Bidens may love their dog, but that doesn’t give him a free pass to terrorize the people who protect them.

It’s time for the Bidens to take responsibility and ensure the safety of their staff. This isn’t just a matter of cute puppy antics gone wrong, it’s a significant hazard and a failure to maintain a safe working environment. The commander-in-chief should be showing true leadership by addressing this issue head-on, instead of letting Commander run amok and continue to be a menace.

Written by Staff Reports

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