
Biden’s Blinken Blunders: Meddling in Israel, Betraying Democracy!

In recent news, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been busy trying to meddle in Israeli affairs, telling Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel can’t win against those pesky Hamas terrorists and that they’ll just have to suck it up and accept a Palestinian state. Well, no surprise here, but Netanyahu wasn’t exactly thrilled with this brilliant suggestion.

In a report by NBC News, it’s revealed that Blinken and good ol’ Biden are scheming to work around Netanyahu, who, might we add, was democratically elected by the fine folks of Israel. What happened to standing up for democracy, huh? Instead of respecting the Israeli leader, they’re cozying up to other Israeli leaders and civil society in hopes of plotting Netanyahu’s downfall. Sneaky, sneaky!

Blinken tried to scare Netanyahu by warning him that there’s no military solution to the Hamas problem. But guess what? Bibi wasn’t buying it. And hey, no surprise there! The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman gave a rundown of how much progress they’ve made in wiping out those pesky Hamas pests, especially in the northern and central parts of Gaza. Ha! Take that, terrorists.

Plus, let’s face it, most Israelis are fed up with the idea of a Palestinian state, especially after all the trouble Hamas has caused. According to Gallup, nearly two-thirds of Israelis are opposing the idea, and who can blame them? With Hamas’s constant rocket attacks and terror, it’s no wonder the majority of Israelis want nothing to do with a Palestinian state.

But, of course, Blinken and Biden are determined to stick to the same old failed peacemaking approach in the Middle East, where the Palestinian issue is top priority. Haven’t they learned anything from President Donald Trump’s successful Abraham Accords? Now they’re trying to hold other peace agreements hostage unless a Palestinian state is created. Talk about holding progress hostage!

And get this, Blinken is even pushing for Saudi Arabia to agree to relations with Israel in exchange for a Palestinian state. Really? Here’s the kicker: Saudi Arabia was about to seal the deal without the need for a Palestinian state before Blinken supposedly intervened. Way to go, Blinken, for messing things up!

In conclusion, it seems like Blinken and Biden are determined to ignore the will of the Israeli people and prioritize the Palestinian issue over everything else, despite the evidence that the majority of Palestinians support Hamas’s terror tactics. It’s as if they’re living in their own little fantasy world. Well, we’ll just have to wait and see how this all pans out, won’t we?

Written by Staff Reports

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